No. 45 | People

William T. Childs

During his time as principal from 1921 to 1926, William T. Childs focused on the School's finances.

An alumnus of the Class of 1895, William Talbot Childs came from the financial community of Baltimore to be McDonogh’s sixth principal. He used his skills to keep the School going through a difficult time. During his tenure, the position of farmer was abolished, money from the New Orleans properties was realized, alumni were prompted to contribute more than $50,000 for operating expenses, the newly organized Mothers Club raised $10,000, and a few pay students were admitted. Enrollment climbed from 115 to 140 but began to decline during the last two years of his tenure. In 1925, Principal Childs visited several military academies and promoted an increased level of military strictness and decorum. Although active in civic and church affairs and welcoming of speakers on various career topics, he was considered aloof and kept the boys at a distance. He resigned on January 1, 1926.

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