No. 124 | Life & Learning

Stewart Recital: A Showcase of Performing Arts

Stewart recitalists represent the highest achievement in the performing arts at McDonogh.

In the spring of 1993, Caroline Stewart ‘93 graced the stage in Tagart Memorial Chapel to perform a senior recital that would start a tradition in performing arts excellence at McDonogh. Her full commitment to a one-woman show, combined with the tireless efforts of choral director Philip Olsen, dance teacher Ilona Kessell, and drama director John Van Meter, inspired her parents, Drs. James and Brenda Stewart, to provide the resources for future graduating seniors to have a similar opportunity to showcase their talent. The following year, McDonogh audiences were treated to the first annual Stewart Recital. 

Over the years, the program evolved from a solo performer chosen by the faculty to a selection process in which outside judges determine who will perform. Today, the annual Stewart Recital features students with exceptional talent in and dedication to dance, theatre, and music. Reciatlists, who are chosen as juniors to perform in the annual event at the end of their senior year, represent the highest achievement in the performing arts at McDonogh.

Enjoy the 25th-anniversary retrospective of the Stewart Senior Honors Recital featuring clips from the performances of 78 past Stewart Recital participants by Cindy Green.

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